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Most relevant scientific articles
• Aguayo A., Urrutia I., González-Frutos T., Martínez R., Martínez-Indart L., Castano L. et al. Prevalence of diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose metabolism in the adult population of the Basque Country, Spain. Diabetic Medicine. 2016.
• Martínez R., Fernández-Ramos C., Vela A., Velayos T., Aguayo A., Urrutia I. et al. Clinical and genetic characterization of congenital hyperinsulinism in Spain. European Journal of Endocrinology. 2016;174(6):717-726.
• Brugnara L., Murillo S., Novials A., Rojo-Martínez G., Soriguer F., Goday A. et al. Low physical activity and its association with diabetes and other cardiovascular risk factors: A nationwide, population-based study. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(8).
• Fernández-Ramos C., Arana-Arri E., Jiménez-Huertas P., Vela A., Rica I. Incidence of childhood-onset type 1 diabetes in Biscay, Spain, 1990-2013. Pediatric Diabetes. 2016.
• Chico A., Herranz L., Corcoy R., Ramírez O., Goya M.M., Bellart J. et al. glycemic control and maternal and fetal outcomes in pregnant women with type 1 diabetes according to the type of basal insulin. European Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 2016;206:84-91.
• Endocrinology, Diabetes, Nutrition and Renal Alterations. Basque Government-IT 795-13. 2013-2018. L. Castaño.
• Incidence of diabetes and prevalence of monogenic-diabetes in the [email protected] study. ISCIII–PI14/01104. L.
• Determinants of Diet and Physical Activity. DEDIPAC-KH (JPI) “Healthy Diet for Healthy Life” 2012-active. L.
• European Nutrition Phenotype Assessment and Data Sharing Initiative. ENPADASI. “Healthy Diet for Healthy
Life”. 2014-Luis Castaño.
• Prospective study: Incidence of diabetes and cardiovascular risk factors in Basque Country. Basque
Government (2015111020) 2015-2017. Sonia Gaztambide.
• Functional characterization of the IDIN antiviral pathway: role in pancreatic ß-cell destruction and T1D progress.
Basque Government (2015111068). 2015-2018. Izortze-Santin.
• Functional characterization of the genomic regions associated with celiac disease risk in cell populations of gut
mucosa. (PI13/01201). 2014-2016. JR Bilbao.
• Functional study of candidate genes to celiac disease. Use as a diagnostic tool. Basque Government
(2011111034). 2013-JR Bilbao.
• Genetic and environmental factors of insulin-resistance syndrome. Long-term complications in immigrant
Mediterranean populations. MEDIGENE (FP7-279171-1). 2011-active, Luis Castaño.
• Centre Differences study in children aged under 11 years. Hvidore Study Group on childhood Diabetes. 2009-
2015. Luis Castaño.
• TRIGR project: Trial to reduce IDDM in children at genetic risk. National Institute of Health. 2007-2016. Luis
• BMBS COST Action BM1303. A systematic elucidation of differences of sex development (DSDnet). 2013-2017
Luis Castaño.
• Deep Osasuna: Knowledge-based personalized medicine (DEEPOS) KK-2015/00111_Elkartek and 2016222030_
RIS3 proyects. Basque Government. Luis Castaño.
• Global obesity epidemic: Molecular and dynamic parameter characterization in order to develop diagnostic
strategies and personalized therapies. Basque Government. Sonia Gaztambide.
• Multicentric, prospective, non-intervention study to investigate security and effectiveness of Insulin degludec in
a population with type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus. EudraCT: EPA2016012 (EPA-SP). Sonia Gaztambide.
research groups 49
• Presidency and Organization of ISPAD Congress (International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes) Valencia-2016, Luis Castaño. Sponsor/Partner: CIBERDEM.
• Presidency and Organization of SED Congress, Bilbao 2016. Sonia Gaztambide.