Page 50 - CIBERDEM2016-ENG
P. 50
leaD researcher
Correig Blanchart, Francesc Xavier
Fund. Inst. de Investigación sanitaria pere virgili
Facultat de Medicina C/ Sant Llorenç, 21 Edif. 4 · Planta baja 43201 Reus. Tarragona
(+34) 977 559 623 [email protected] group Website
Staff members: Capellades Tomás, Jordi | Navarro Sanz, Miriam | Yanes Torrado, Óscar
Associated members: Amigó Grau, Nuria | Brezmes Llecha, Jesús Jorge | Cañellas Alberich, Nicolau | Domingo Almenara, Xavier | Radu Ionescu, Radu | Ràfols Soler, Pere | Ramírez González, Noelia | Samino Gene, Sara | Vilalta Montlleo, Didac
Main lines of research
• NMR lipoprotein characterization for the study of dyslipidaemias.
• A serum profiling method for the study of insulin resistance and diabetes in population studies.
• Development and study of advanced statistical, chemometric, multivariate and artificial intelligence
algorithms which will allow large measurement datasets.
• Non-radioactive isotopomers for the study of metabolic profiling and its flux in cultured cells and
animal models.
• Study of diabetic retinopathy.
• Study of tissue imaging and body fluid profiling with laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry
• Thirdhand smoke (THS) exposition assesment with metabolomics and their effects on metabolic