Page 48 - CIBERDEM2016-ENG
P. 48
leaD researcher
Castaño González, Luis
Asoc. Inst. de Investigación sanitaria de Biocruces
Hospital Universitario Cruces Pza. de Cruces, S/n
48903 Cruces (Barakaldo) Vizcaya
(+34) 946 006 473 [email protected] group Website
Staff members: Martínez Salazar, Rosa María | Urrutia Echebarria, Inés María
Associated members: Aguayo Calcena, Anibal | Bilbao Catalá, José Ramón | Castellanos Rubio, Ainara | Cortázar Galarza, Alicia | Gaztambide Saenz, Sonia | González Frutos, Teba María Dolores | Pérez de Nanclares, Gustavo | Rica Etxebarría, Itxaso | Rivero, Sorkunde | Santamaría Sandi, Francisco Javier | Vázquez San Miguel, Federico | Vela, Amaia | Velayos Gainza, Teresa
Main lines of research
• Identification of additional genetic susceptibility markers for type 1 diabetes and related autoimmune disorders in the extended MHC (6p21) and other regions using high throughput genotyping.
• Study of enviromental factors and immune mediators of disease development, characterization of novel autoantigens/antibodies and cell populations in patients: Th1, Th2 and Th17 responses.
• Identification of new genes responsible for monogenic diabetes by genome wide analysis (array-CGH approach), whole exome sequencing and next generation sequencing panels of candidate genes.
• Molecular and clinical characterization of monogenic diabetes and new therapeutic strategies for KATP channel alterations.
• Prediction and prevention of type 1 diabetes.
• Control of diabetes complications.
• Epidemiology of diabetes.