Page 55 - CIBERDEM-2015-eng
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Research groups
Most relevant scientific articles
LóPEZ-SOLDADO I, NIISUKE K, VEIGA C, ADROVER A, MAN- ZANO A, MARTíNEZ-REDONDO V ET AL. Neuregulin improves response to glucose tolerance test in control and diabetic rats.American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism. 2015;:ajpendo.00226.2015.
DROPPELMANN C.A., SAEZ D.E., ASENJO J.L., YANEZ A.J., GARCíA-ROCHA M., CONCHA I.I. ET AL. A new level of regu- lation in gluconeogenesis: Metabolic state modulates the intracellular localization of aldolase B and its interaction
DíAZ-LOBO M., GARCíA-AMOROS J., FITA I., VELASCO D., GUI- NOVART J.J., FERRER J.C.. Selective photoregulation of the activity of glycogen synthase and glycogen phosphoryl- ase, two key enzymes in glycogen metabolism. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry. 2015;13(26):7282-7288.
LóPEZ-RAMOS J.C., DURAN J., GRUART A., GUINOVART J.J., DELGADO-GARCíA J.M.. Role of brain glycogen in the re- sponse to hypoxia and in susceptibility to epilepsy. Fron- tiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 2015;9(OCTOBER):-.
with liver fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase. Biochemical Jour- nal. 2015;472(2):225-237.
The group is devoted to carbohydrate metabolism and its alterations in diabetes and other diseases re- lated to glucose metabolism.
We have demonstrated that hepatic glycogen reg- ulates appetite and decreases obesity and is there- fore is a new target for the treatment of diabetes.
We have also furthered knowledge of gluconeogen- esis, a key metabolic pathway for hyperglycaemia, by showing the interaction between two of key en- zymes in this pathway, namely aldolase A and fruc- tose-1,6-bisphosphatase.
The modification of the activity of glycogen syn- thase and glycogen phosphorylase opens up new avenues for the treatment of diabetes. We have studied new compounds capable of altering the ac- tivity of these crucial enzymes via a novel photoreg- ulatory mechanism that will provide the basis for the design and development of new drugs for this disease and for some glycogenoses.
DURAN J., GUINOVART J.J.. Brain glycogen in health and disease. Molecular Aspects of Medicine. 2015;46:70-77.
Furthermore, we have demonstrated that brain gly- cogen plays a key role in adaptation to hypoxia and susceptibility to epilepsy. In this field, we have pub- lished a review article on our recent work on the role of brain glycogen in physiological and pathological conditions. Our aim is to address whether diabetes has an impact on the accumulation of this polysac- charide in neurons, a process that we have shown induces neurodegeneration.
Regarding collaborations within CIBERDEM, we have worked with Dr. Ramón Gomis (IDIBAPS) on the role of glycogen metabolism in beta cells. Using genetically modified animals with an altered capaci- ty to accumulate glycogen, we are able to rule out a role of beta cell glycogen in the regulation of glucose homeostasis. In addition, we have worked with Dr. Rafael Simó (VHIR) on the role of glycogen on dia- betic retinopathy.
Institution: Fundació Privada Institut de Recerca Biomèdica (IRB-Barcelona)
Contact: C/ Baldiri Reixac 10-12. 08028 Barcelona · Tel.: 93 403 71 63 · E.mail: [email protected] Web: engineering-and-diabetes-therapy
CIBERDEM I Annual report 2015 I 55

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