Page 54 - CIBERDEM-2015-eng
P. 54
Research groups
Metabolic engineering and diabetes therapy
Programme: P3
Lead Researcher: Guinovart Cirera, Joan Josep
Group members
STAFF MEMBERS: Duran Castells, Jordi | Veza Estévez, Emma.
ASSOCIATED MEMBERS: Adrover Palau, Anna | García Rocha, María del Mar | López Soldado Fernández,
Iliana | Slebe Concha, Juan Felipe | Testoni, Giorgia | Zapata, Claire Alix.
Main lines of research
• The control mechanisms of glucose storage in the liver and their alterations in diabetes mellitus. Characterization of novel compounds with an- ti-diabetic action.
• The role of glycogen metabolism in the glu- cose-sensing function of pancreatic beta-cell and liver.
• The consequences of altered glycogen deposi- tion in various tissues in diabetes mellitus and in several neurodegenerative diseases.
54 I Annual report 2015 I CIBERDEM

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