Page 57 - CIBERDEM-2015-eng
P. 57
Research groups
Most relevant scientific articles
SáNCHEZ-INFANTES D, GALLEGO-ESCUREDO JM, DíAZ M, ARAGONéS G, SEBASTáNI G, LóPEZ-BERMEJO A ET AL. Cir- culating FGF19 and FGF21 surge in early infancy from in- fra- to supra-adult concentrations.International journal of obesity (2005). 2015.
DE ZEGHER F., DíAZ M., IBANEZ L.. Association between long telomere length and insulin sensitization in adolescent girls with hyperinsulinemic androgen excess. JAMA Pedi- atrics. 2015;169(8):787-788.
sus formula-feeding. International Journal of Obesity. 2015;39(10):1501-1503.
SEBASTáNI G., DíAZ M., BASSOLS J., ARAGONES G., LóPEZ-BERMEJO A., DE ZEGHER F. ET AL. The sequence of prenatal growth restraint and post-natal catch-up growth leads to a thicker intima-media and more pre-peritoneal and hepatic fat by age 3-6 years. Pediatric Obesity. 2015.
SAMINO S., VINAIXA M., DíAZ M., BELTRAN A., RODRíGUEZ M.A., MALLOL R. ET AL. Metabolomics reveals impaired
DíAZ M., BASSOLS J., SEBASTáNI G., LóPEZ-BERMEJO A., IBANEZ L., DE ZEGHER F.. Circulating GLP-1 in infants born small-for-gestational-age: Breast-feeding ver-
Over 2015, the group has further developed the two main research lines:
1) ovarian androgen excess: start of a clinical trial with novel therapies (PI15/01078);
2) low birth weight and postnatal endocrine-meta- bolic abnormalities: we are finishing a project re- lated to methylation and gene expression in new- bors of low birthweigth (PI11/02403).
These are among the priority research lines of the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, being part of a broad- er line entitled: Adult Diseases of Fetal Origin, co- ordinated by Dr. Lourdes Ibáñez since 2008 (UB;
The results of the recent progress have been pre- sented in invited lectures at national and interna- tional forums, including those at the Endocrine So- ciety (San Diego), ECE (Dublin), SLEP (Puerto Varas, Chile), 3rd ICED (Ryad), and 16th World Congress on Human Reproduction (Berlin), as well as ten update courses, eleven abstracts in international meetings and ten in national meetings.
Since 1998, the research group has developed joint research projects (and derived manuscripts) with the University of Leuven, Belgium (Prof. F. de Ze- gher), the University of Cambridge, UK (Prof. D.B. Dunger, Dr. K. Ong) and the University of Girona (Dr. A. López-Bermejo).
maturation of HDL particles in adolescents with hyperin- sulinaemic androgen excess. Scientific Reports. 2015;5.
• Award of Clinical Researh, Spanish Society for Paediatrc Endocrinology (SEEP)
• Award in the Area of Pediatrics, XIX Convocatòria de la Fundació Agrupació Mútua
• Award Fundació Mar
OTHER (Dr. Lourdes Ibáñez):
• PhD thesis: direction (Míriam Pérez Cruz, 24/03/15), chair of the jury (Inés Osiniri, 15/07/15) and member of the academic committee (UB).
• Chair of Research Group recognised and funded by the Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca en Catalunya (2014SGR512)
• Research time (2015) funded by ISCIII-De- partament de Salut, Generalitat de Catalunya (INT14/00157).
• Coordination & Direction of the Master in Paedi- atric & Adolescent Endocrinology and Diabetes (UB).
• Chair: Pediatric & Adolescent Gynecology Work- ing Group, ESPE ( & SGA Working Group, SEEP ( publi6.asp).
• National Chair: CADET European project (Children and Adolescent Diabetes and Endocrine Trials Network).
Institution: Fund. para la Investigación y Docencia Sant Joan de Déu · Contact: Hospital Sant Joan de Déu C/ Santa Rosa, 39-57. 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat · Tel.: 93 280 40 00 (ext.4424¸ 70205)
E.mail: [email protected] · Website:
CIBERDEM I Annual report 2015 I 57