Page 56 - CIBERDEM-2015-eng
P. 56
Research groups
Consequences of prenatal and perinatal disorders on postnatal development. Disorders of fetal origin
Programme: P3
Lead Researcher: Ibáñez Toda, Lourdes
Group members
STAFF MEMBERS: Díaz Silva, Marta | Quílez Moya, Jovita.
ASSOCIATED MEMBERS: Casano Sancho, Paula | García García, Francesc Josep | Marcos Salas, María
Victoria | Sebastiani, Giorgia.
Main lines of research
• Childhood diabetes.
• Physiological and pathological states in new- borns and their effects on evolution.
• Congenital malformations and their surgical management.
• Foetal medicine: foetal well-being markers.
• Intrauterine growth retardation and related disor- ders.
56 I Annual report 2015 I CIBERDEM