Page 53 - CIBERDEM-2015-eng
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Research groups
Most relevant scientific articles
CANIVELL S., REBUFFAT S., G. RUANO E., KOSTOV B., SI- SO-ALMIRALL A., NOVIALS A. ET AL. Circulating SFRP5 levels are elevated in drug-naïve recently diagnosed type 2 dia- betic patients as compared with prediabetic subjects and controls. Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews. 2015;31(2):212-219.
SCHNEEBERGER M., GóMEZ-VALADES A.G., ALTIRRIBA J., SE- BASTIáN D., RAMIREZ S., GARCíA A. ET AL. Reduced α-MSH Underlies Hypothalamic ER-Stress-Induced Hepatic Glu-
JIMéNEZ A., CERIELLO A., CASAMITJANA R., FLORES L., VIAPLANA-MASCLANS J., VIDAL J.. Remission of type 2 di- abetes after roux-en-y gastric bypass or sleeve gastrecto- my is associated with a distinct glycemic profile. Annals of Surgery. 2015;261(2):316-322.
BERNSTEIN D.L., LE LAY J.E., RUANO E.G., KAESTNER K.H.. TALE-mediated epigenetic suppression of CDKN2A in- creases replication in human fibroblasts. Journal of Clini- cal Investigation. 2015;125(5):1998-2006.
coneogenesis. Cell Reports. 2015;12(3):361-370.
DE HOLLANDA A., CASALS G., DELGADO S., JIMéNEZ A., VIAPLANA J., LACY A.M. ET AL. Gastrointestinal hormones and weight loss maintenance following roux-en-Y gastric bypass. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabo- lism. 2015;100(12):4677-4684.
During 2015, our group obtained funding from the European Commission for the LUCA project as well as a patent for the use of sodium tungstate as an anti-platelet agent. Meetings for the ongoing ME- DIGENE project were organized, highlighting those held in Barcelona and Zagreb. In addition, group members participated in the organization of several scientific activities, including the following courses: Translational Research in Diabetes (INSERM, Mont- pellier), Diabetes under Debate (CIBERDEM, Madrid), Clinical Excellence (Hospital Clinic, Barcelona), and Innovation in the Treatment of Diabetes (Universi- tat de Barcelona). Invited lectures also stand out, such as those presented at the XXVI Congress of the SED (closing speech), Universidad Juan Carlos I (Madrid), the Latin American Forum Master (Bos-
ton), and the opening speech of the Medical Degree academic program (Universitat de Barcelona). Also worth mentioning are efforts devoted to social out- reach activities such as an urban sketching event focused on diabetes, talks given with the frame- work of World Diabetes Day, and participation in the 2015 La Marató de TV3 telethon, centered on diabe- tes and metabolic diseases research. Some group members are responsible for the Master’s Degree in Principles of Care and Education for Diabetes Surf- ferers, started in 2015 at the Universitat de Barcelo- na, and the initiation of a new laser methodology in thyroid nodules treatment. Finally, the participation of various group members in the publication of the textbook, Molecular Nutrition and Diabetes (Elsevier) is also featured.
Institution: Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer · Contact: Centro Esther Koplowitz C/Rosselló, 149. 08036 Barcelona · Tel.: 93 312 94 11 · E.mail: [email protected]
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