CIBER integrated projects of excellence
CIBER integrated projects of excellence are funded by the ISCIII. CIBERDEM coordinates and participates in the following projects:
1. PIE14-00045 Identification of novel modulators of chronic inflammation in prevalent diseases: unveiling divergent mechanisms of disease
- Coordinator: Antonio Zorzano (CIBERDEM)
- Participants: CIBERDEM: Antonio Zorzano, Joan Josep Vendrell, Angela María Martínez Valverde, CIBEROBN, CIBEREHD and CIBERESP
- Start January 2015, duration 3 years.
2. PIE14-00031 Understanding obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and fatty liver diseases: A multidisciplinary approach
- Coordinator: Jose Maria Mato de la Paz (CIBEREHD)
- Participants: CIBERDEM: Ramon Gomis de Barbara, Rafael Carmena Rodríguez, Gemma Rojo Martínez, CIBEREHD, CIBERSAM and CIBEROBN
- Start January 2015, duration 3 years.
3. PIE14-00061 Molecular links between diabetes and neurodegenerative disorders
- Coordinator: Angel Raya Chamorro (CIBERBBN)
- Participants: CIBERDEM: Rafael Simo Canonge, Manuel Benito of the Heras, Anna Novials, CIBERER, CIBERBBN and CIBERNED.
- Start January 2015, duration 3 years.