Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Welcome from the Scientific Director

Welcome to CIBERDEM,

CIBERDEM, the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Diabetes y Enfermedades Metabólicas Asociadas, brings together 29 top Spanish research groups in the field of diabetes and associated diseases. Since research groups with different clinical and basic profiles and knowledge located in hospitals, research centres and universities participate in CIBERDEM, we are able to more effectively work together to meet our goal of contributing to continue improving the health and quality of life of patients with diabetes.

This web page describes not only the research activity of CIBERDEM through our research programmes, projects and technological platforms, but it also describes education and communication activities, as well as outreach activities. CIBERDEM research activity is structured around three major programmes including, among others, essential aspects such as the epidemiology and genetics of diabetes, research for new treatments to prevent the disease, to improve its control and to treat its complications, or for generating new knowledge allowing us to understand how diabetes develops and progresses to ultimately be able to find a cure. Together with the research activity, CIBERDEM aims to teach and contribute to the training of young researchers who are essential for the future of diabetes research.

CIBERDEM is committed to inform society as a whole, and particularly diabetes patients, of the the activity we are conducting as well as the results of our research. This web page therefore is addressed to all those who are interested in diabetes and our researchers are open to anyone who would like to contact us or support us. We hope the the information we provide serves your interests.

Thank you for visiting CIBERDEM.

Dr. Didac Mauricio

Scientific Director of the CIBERDEM