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Most relevant scientific articles
• Tarín C., Fernández-Garcia C.E., Burillo E., Pastor-Vargas C., Llamas-Granda P., Castejón B. et al. Lipocalin-2 deficiency or blockade protects against aortic abdominal aneurysm development in mice. Cardiovascular Research. 2016;111(3):262-273.
• Rubio-Navarro A., Carril M., Padro D., Guerrero-Hue M., Tarín C., Samaniego R. et al. CD163- macrophages are involved in rhabdomyolysis-induced kidney injury and may be detected by MRI with targeted gold-coated iron oxide nanoparticles. Theranostics. 2016;6(6):896-914.
• Bosch-Panadero E, Mas S, Sánchez-Ospina D, Camarero V, Pérez-Gómez MV, Sáez-Calero I et al. The Choice of Hemodialysis Membrane Affects Bisphenol A Levels in Blood. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology: JASN. 2016;27(5):1566-74.
• Beneit N, Fernández-García CE, Martín-Ventura JL, Perdomo L, Escribano Ó, Michel JB et al. Expression of insulin receptor (IR) A and B isoforms, IGF-IR, and IR/IGF-IR hybrid receptors in vascular smooth muscle cells and their role in cell migration in atherosclerosis. Cardiovascular diabetology. 2016;15(1):161.
• Burillo E, Jorge I, Martínez-López D, Camafeita E, Blanco-Colio LM, Trevisan-Herraz M et al. Quantitative HDL Proteomics Identifies Peroxiredoxin-6 as a Biomarker of Human Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. Scientific reports. 2016;6:38477.
• Patent title: SOCS1-Derived peptide for use in chronic complications relating to diabetes. This patent has been filed in conjuction with professor Rafael Simó (CIBERDEM). In November 2016, this patent has been extended to 35 countries with the largest pharmaceutical market. Recently, we have got a grant from FIPSE to perform Viability Studies.
• Clinical trial supported by the 7th Program Early prevention of diabetes complications in people with hyperglycaemia in Europe (ePREDICE). Our group is involved in the recruitment of patients as well as running the WP4 on biomarkers. This is one of the first clinical trials assessing the effect of therapeutical intervention on prediabetes. The biobank is established in our institution.
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