Page 54 - CIBERDEM2016-ENG
P. 54
leaD researcher
Escobar Morreale, Héctor Francisco
Servicio Madrileño de Salud
Hospital Ramón y Cajal Carretera de Colmenar, km 9.1 28034 Madrid
(+34) 91 336 90 29
group Website
Staff members: Fernández Durán, Elena | Insenser Nieto, María Rosa | Martínez García, María Ángeles Associated members: Álvarez Blasco, Francisco | Luque Ramírez, Manuel | Montes Nieto, Rafael | Roldán Martín, María Belén | San Millán López, José Luis
Main lines of research
• Influence of sex hormones on the development of abdominal adiposity and visceral adipose tissue dysfunction in humans as pathogenetic factors of insulin resistance and diabetes, including:
• An integrated approach to the influence of sex hormones on the amount and dysfunction of visceral and subcutaneous fat as studied by clinical research, molecular genetics, molecular biology, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics.
• The identification of pathogenetic markers of diabetes in severe obesity and predictors of diabetes remission after bariatric surgery.
• The role of disordered iron metabolism on the metabolic associations of polycystic ovary syndrome.
• The effects of sex hormones on the metabolic and inflammatory responses to the oral administration of
different macronutrients.
• Influence of treatment of gonadal dysfunction (polycystic ovary syndrome or functional
hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism) on visceral adiposity and intermediate metabolism.