Page 69 - CIBERDEM-2015-eng
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Research groups
Most relevant scientific articles
PáRRIZAS M, BRUGNARA L, ESTEBAN Y, GONZáLEZ-FRAN- QUESA A, CANIVELL S, MURILLO S ET AL. Circulating miR-192 and miR-193b Are Markers of Prediabetes and Are Mod- ulated by an Exercise Intervention.The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. 2015;100(3):E407-15.
ALCARRAZ-VIZáN G, CASINI P, CADAVEZ L, VISA M, MONTANE J, SERVITJA JM ET AL. Inhibition of BACE2 counteracts hIAPP-induced insulin secretory defects in pancreatic β-cells.FASEB journal: official publication of the Feder- ation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 2015;29(1):95-104.
LA SALA L., PUJADAS G., DE NIGRIS V., CANIVELL S., NOVIALS A., GENOVESE S. ET AL. Oscillating glucose and constant
Among the overall results of our scientific produc- tivity in 2015, we highlight the description of a new mechanism of autocrine action of the pancreatic peptide IAPP on the proliferative capacity of the pan- creatic beta-cell. The enzyme BACE2 plays a role in insulin secretory function, and our results point to its potential use as a therapeutic target. The line of re- search begun the previous year with the analysis of mirRNAs as markers of prediabetes has been fruit- ful, as we have identified a group of mirRNAs cor- related with prediabetes and with fatty liver, both in human and animal models. We also demonstrated with these mirRNAs are modified after implement- ing an exercise program.
The group remains actively involved in clinical col- laborations with European scientific societies. Of particular interest, it published an international con- sensus document on glycemic index, glycemic load and glycemic response.
Over the past year the group received funding from various sources: Health Research Fund (FIS) grant from the Carlos III Health Institute; Research Group Support (SGR) grant from the Government of Cat- alonia; an international grant from the European
high glucose induce endoglin expression in endotheli- al cells: the role of oxidative stress. Acta Diabetologica. 2015;52(3):505-512.
BRUGNARA L., MALLOL R., RIBALTA J., VINAIXA M., MURILLO S., CASSERRAS T. ET AL. Improving assessment of lipoprotein profile in type 1 diabetes by 1H NMR spectroscopy. PLoS ONE. 2015;10(8):-.
VISA M., ALCARRAZ-VIZAN G., MONTANE J., CADAVEZ L., CASTANO C., VILLANUEVA-PENACARRILLO M.L. ET AL. Is- let amyloid polypeptide exerts a novel autocrine action in b-cell signaling and proliferation. FASEB Journal. 2015;29(7):2970-2979.
Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD); and participation in the European project, MEDIGENE (Genetic and environmental factors of insulin re- sistance syndrome and its long-term complications in immigrant Mediterranean populations). Also, a 3-year collaborative agreement with Grifols com- pany was made to study the potential of one of its pharmaceutical products for treating diabetes.
Of note, 4 doctoral theses were defended in 2015, the results of which have been published during the current year.
Finally, we participated in several social outreach activities focusing on the importance of lifestyle in the control of diabetes, including a lecture during the high-impact, social media event, “Diabetes Expe- rience Day”, and the organization of a symposium geared toward young athletes with diabetes.
Institution: Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer · Contact: Centro Esther Koplowitz C/Rosselló, 149. 08036 Barcelona · Tel.: 93 227 54 00 (ext. 4153) · E.mail: [email protected]
CIBERDEM I Annual report 2015 I 69