Page 71 - CIBERDEM-2015-eng
P. 71
Research groups
Most relevant scientific articles
MONASTERO R., GARCíA-SERRANO S., LAGO-SAMPEDRO A., RODRíGUEZ-PACHECO F., COLOMO N., MORCILLO S. ET AL. Methylation patterns of Vegfb promoter are associated with gene and protein expression levels: the effects of die- tary fatty acids. European Journal of Nutrition. 2015;:1-12.
OLVEIRA G., TAPIA M.J., OCON J., CABREJAS-GóMEZ C., BAL- LESTEROS-POMAR M.D., VIDAL-CASARIEGO A. ET AL. Preva- lence of diabetes, prediabetes, and stress hyperglycemia: Insulin therapy and metabolic control in patients on total
RUIZ-DE-ADANA M.S., DOMíNGUEZ-LóPEZ M.-E., GONZáLEZ-MOLERO I., SORIGUER F., ANARTE M.T., RO- JO-MARTíNEZ G.. Comparison between a multiple daily insulin injection regimen (basal once-daily glargine plus mealtime lispro) and continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (lispro) using continuous glucose monitoring in metabolically optimized type 1 diabetes patients: A ran- domized open-labelled parallel study. Medicina Clinica. 2015.
parenteral nutrition (prospective multicenter study). Endo- crine Practice. 2015;21(1):59-67.
GARCíA-SERRANO S., GUTIéRREZ-REPISO C., GONZALO M., GARCíA-ARNES J., VALDES S., SORIGUER F. ET AL. C-peptide modifies leptin and visfatin secretion in human adipose tissue. Obesity. 2015;23(8):1607-1615.
• “ISCI in people with type 1 diabetes. A biopsycho- social experience “(MaSoledad Ruiz de Adana, di- rected by Gemma Rojo and Federico Soriguer.
• “Impact on the metabolic control and quality of life of the addition of a system of real time con- tinuous glucose monitoring in patients with type 1 DM in intensive treatment with insulin pump. (Marta Dominguez, directed by Stella González).
• “Evaluation of the usefulness of the bolus calcula- tor in patients with type 1 diabetes treated with in- sulin multidose, in terms of metabolic control and psychological benefits.” (Rosario Vallejo, directed by Stella González).
The group participates in several collaborative fund- ed projects:
• “Incidence of type 2 diabetes in the [email protected] study: role of fatty acid transport system reg- ulated by VEGFB in the development of met- abolic diseases (PI 14/00710, Rojo Martinez
LAGO-SAMPEDRO A.M., GUTIéRREZ-REPISO C., VALDES S., MALDONADO C., COLOMO N., ALMARAZ M.C. ET AL. Changes in thyroid function with age: Results from the Pizarra pop- ulation-based longitudinal study. International Journal of Clinical Practice. 2015;69(5):577-587.
G IP) coordinated with 4 others subprojects, which together have been awarded more than 500000€ to study various biomarkers of risk for diabetes ([email protected] study).
• “Understanding obesity (Ob), metabolic syn- drome (MetS), type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and fatty liver disease (FL): a multidisciplinary approach” (PIE14/00031), excellence integrated project coordinated with other 11 CIBER groups with a budget of 660000€.
• The group currently participates in the DEDI- PAC and ENPADASI actions of JPI “A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life”
• In 2015 it has finished the project “Effects of dietary fatty acids on the expression and epige- netic changes in the fatty acids transport sys- tem mediated byVEGFB in rats” (PI12 / 01293, IP Eva Garcia Escobar, employed researcher by CIBERDEM).
Institution: Fundación Pública Andaluza para la Investigación de Málaga en Biomedicina y Salud (FIMABIS) Contact: Hospital Universitario Carlos Haya · Plaza del Hospital Civil S/N. 29000 Málaga
E.mail: [email protected]
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