Page 59 - CIBERDEM-2015-eng
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Research groups
Most relevant scientific articles
PEZZOLLA D., LóPEZ-BEAS J., LACHAUD C.C., DOMíNGUEZ- RODRíGUEZ A., SMANI T., HMADCHA A. ET AL. Resveratrol ameliorates the maturation process of β-cell-like cells obtained from an optimized differentiation protocol of hu- man embryonic stem cells. PLoS ONE. 2015;10(3).
SORIA B., GAUTHIER B.R., MARTíN F., TEJEDO J.R., BEDOYA F.J., ROJAS A. ET AL. Using stem cells to produce insulin. Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy. 2015;15(10):1469- 1489.
“Mechanisms of protective action against Metabolic Syndrome and type 2 diabetes of hyperlipidic diets based on extra virgin olive oil”. Franz Martín (Ref: AGL2014-54585-R.)
Inventors: B. Soria, A. Hmadcha, MC Salguero-Aran- da, F. Bedoya, JR Tejedo, F. Martín, and R. Tapia. Title: “Method for obtaining pancreatic beta-cell surrogates by increasing pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1 (PDX1) expression”. PCT extension (PCT/EP2015/07051).
Inventors: A. Rojas, D. Cano, I. Delgado, B. Soria and F. Martín. Title: “Methodology to obtain data useful for differential diagnostic of hepatic fibrosis”. Ex- tension to UE extension number EP14791963.3. USA extensión number 14/888,197. UAE extensión number 1477/2015. Saudi Arabia extensión number 515370084. Exploitation Vidia Health S.A.
Inventors: B. Soria, A. Hmadcha, JR Tejedo, F. Bedoya. Title: Improved cell culture médium for human pro- genitor cells. Registration number: EP15382417.2. Registration date: 05-08-2015. Countries: Spain.
PAX4 defines an expandable β-cell subpopulation in the adult pancreatic islet. Scientific Reports. 2015;5.
ESCOBEDO-COUSIN M., JACKSON N., LAZA-BRIVIESCA R., ARIZA-MCNAUGHTON L., LUEVANO M., DERNIAME S. ET AL. Natural killer cells improve hematopoietic stem cell en- graftment by increasing stem cell clonogenicity in vitro and in a humanized mouse model. PLoS ONE. 2015;10(10).
VEGARA-MESEGUER JM, PéREZ-SáNCHEZ H, ARAUJO R, MARTíN F, SORIA B. L-Type Ca2+ Channels and SK Channels in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells and Their Contribution to Cell Proliferation.The Journal of membrane biology. 2015.
Juan Tejedo was appointed Visiting Professor at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marco and at the Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Men- doza de Amazonas, both of them from Peru.
Bernat Soria was appointed “Doctor Honoris Causa” at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marco (Peru). Moreover, he was appointed Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (London, UK).
The best outcome of the refined protocols be- came apparent in the first clinical trial announced by ViaCyte (ViaCyte’s VC-01 investigational stem cell-derived islet replacement therapy successfully implanted into first patient). This achievement has been made based on the tremendous progress in generating insulin-producing cells from pluripotent stem cells that include the work of our group (Pez- zolla D et al. PloS One 2015) among with those pio- neers in the field (Pagliuca FW et al. Cell 2014; and Rezania A et al. Nat. Biotecnol 2014).
Institution: Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Contact: Centro Andaluz de Biología Molecular y Medicina Regenerativa. Avda. Américo Vespucio S/N. 41092 Sevilla · Tel.: 95 597 79 44 · E.mail: [email protected] · Website:
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