Page 65 - CIBERDEM-2015-eng
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Research groups
Most relevant scientific articles
ROMAGUERA R., GóMEZ-HOSPITAL J.A., GóMEZ-LARA J., BRU- GALETTA S., PINAR E., JIMéNEZ-QUEVEDO P. ET AL. A Ran- domized Comparison of Reservoir-Based Polymer-Free Amphilimus-Eluting Stents Versus Everolimus-Eluting Stents with Durable Polymer in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus the RESERVOIR Clinical Trial. JACC: Cardiovascu- lar Interventions. 2015;9(1):42-50.
TEICHENNE J, MORRó M, CASELLAS A, JIMéNEZ V, TELLEZ N, LEGER A ET AL. Identification of miRNAs Involved in Repro- gramming Acinar Cells into Insulin Producing Cells.PloS one. 2015;10(12):e0145116.
AGUERA Z., GARCíA-RUIZ-DE-GORDEJUELA A., VILARRASA N., SáNCHEZ I., BANO M., CAMACHO L. ET AL. Psychological and personality predictors of weight loss and comorbid met- abolic changes after bariatric surgery. European Eating Disorders Review. 2015;23(6):509-516.
baseline BMI: a meta-analysis of the liraglutide phase 3 clinical trial programme.Diabetes, obesity & metabolism. 2015.
NACHER M, ESTIL LES E, GARCíA A, NADAL B, PAIRó M, GARCíA C ET AL. Human serum versus human serum albumin sup- plementation in human islet pretransplantation culture. In vitro and in vivo assessment.Cell transplantation. 2015.
In 2015 we have established that human islets maintain a higher functional capacity and survival in a culture medium supplemented with human serum versus human albumin, which allows improving the prognostic when the islets are transplanted after- wards. We have continued the characterization of different aspects of medical and surgical treatment of diabetic patient, especially with morbid obesity. In a multicenter clinical assay in interventional cardiol- ogy, where we have participated as the only expert group in diabetes, we have demonstrated a similar efficacy between two types of stents in patients with diabetes and ischemic cardiopathy. The head of the group participated as Local Organization Committee and chairman of the international meet- ing at the 4th European Joslin-Sunstar Diabetes Ed- ucation Iniciative (JSDEI) “Diabetes on Oral Health & Nutrition. Inter-relationships, Innovations & Interac- tion”, sponsored by the Joslin Diabetes Center (Har- vard Medical School) and the Sunstar Foundation.
Several investigators of the group are members of boards of different national and international scien- tific societies, such as the Islet Study Group of the EASD (Dr. Montanya), the Islet Group of the Span- ish Diabetes Association (Dra. Téllez) or the Catalan Diabetes Association (Dr. Caballero). Regarding ed- ucation, we have incorporated a new PhD student through competitive public financing (AGAUR), and two graduate students have completed their mas- ter’s degree in our group. Regarding outreach, the head of the group is the current President of the Di- abetes Advisory Board of Generalitat de Catalunya, and several members have participated on the Cat- alan autonomic television program, La Marató de TV3, a fundraising initiative for diabetes research. The Senior Basic Research award “Alberto Sols” of the Spanish Diabetes Association was conferred to the head of the group.
Institution: Fundación IDIBELL · Contact: Hospital Universitario de Bellvitge. C/ Freixa Larga s/n 08907 Hospitalet de Llobregat · Tel.: 93 260 25 73 · E.mail: [email protected]
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