Page 43 - CIBERDEM-2015-eng
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Research groups
Most relevant scientific articles
ALONSO-MORAN E., ORUETA J.F., ESTEBAN J.I.F., AXPE J.M.A., GONZáLEZ M.L.M., POLANCO N.T. ET AL. Multimorbidity in people with type 2 diabetes in the Basque Country (Spain): Prevalence, comorbidity clusters and comparison with other chronic patients. European Journal of Internal Med- icine. 2015;26(3):197-202.
AMOR A.J., MASANA L., SORIGUER F., GODAY A., CALLE-PAS- CUAL A., GAZTAMBIDE S. ET AL. Estimating cardiovascular risk in spain by the European guidelines on cardiovascular
posal for comprehensive new definitions. Pediatric Diabe- tes. 2015;16(6):402-406.
RAMIREZ-DOMíNGUEZ M., CASTANO L.. Filtration is a time-ef- ficient option to Histopaque, providing good-quality islets in mouse islet isolation. Cytotechnology. 2015;67(2):199-206.
FALORNI A., BINI V., BETTERLE C., BROZZETTI A., CASTANO L., FICHNA M. ET AL. Determination of 21-hydroxylase autoan- tibodies: Inter-laboratory concordance in the Euradrenal International Serum Exchange Program. Clinical Chemis-
disease prevention in clinical practice. Revista Espanola de Cardiologia. 2015;68(5):417-425.
NEU A., LANGE K., BARRETT T., CAMERON F., DORCHY H., HOEY H. ET AL. Classifying insulin regimens - difficulties and pro-
• Endocrinology, Diabetes, Nutrition and Renal Altera- tions. Basque Government (IT 795-13). 2013-2018. Luis Castaño.
• Researchers: Incidence of diabetes and prevalence of monogenic-diabetes in the [email protected] study. ISCI- II–PI14/01104. Luis Castaño.
• Determinants of Diet and Physical Activity. DEDI- • PAC-KH (JPI) “Healthy Diet for Healthy Life” 2012-ac-
tive. Luis Castaño.
• European Nutrition Phenotype Assessment and • Data Sharing Initiative. ENPADASI. “Healthy Diet for Healthy Life”. 2014-active. Luis Castaño.
• Prospective study: Incidence of diabetes and car- • diovascular risk factors in Basque Country. Basque Government (2015111020) 2015-2017. Sonia Gaz- tambide.
• Functional characterization of the IDIN antiviral path- way: role in pancreatic ß-cell destruction and T1D progress. Basque Government (2015111068). 2015- 2018. Izortze-Santin.
• Functional characterization of the genomic regions associated with celiac disease risk in cell popula- tions of gut mucosa. ISCIII-MICINN (PI13/01201). 2014-2016. JR Bilbao.
• Functional study of candidate genes to celiac dis- ease. Use as a diagnostic tool. Basque Government (2011111034). 2013-2015. JR Bilbao.
• Role of the cell cycle regulators E2F1 and E2F2 in the pathogenesis and prognosis of the hepatic disease.
Institution: Asoc. Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Pza. De Cruces, S/N. 48903 Cruces (Barakaldo) · Tel.
• Randomized controlled study to evaluate the impact of a novel technique to detect glucose on hypogly- cemia in T1D (ADC-CI-APO-13019). 2015, Sonia Gaz- tambide.
• Albiglutide+insulin-glargine vs. insulin lispro+insu- lin-glargine in the treatment of subjects with T2D. SWITCH (200977-EudraCTnumber: 2014-001821- 34). 2015, Sonia Gaztambide.
• Phase III multicentric, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the impact of Diamyd® in the progression of diabetes in newly diagnosed T1D patients. (D/P3/07/4NoEUDRACT: 2007-002728-13). 2015. Rica.
de Biocruces · Contact: Hospital Universitario Cruces. 946006473 · E.mail: [email protected]
try and Laboratory Medicine. 2015;53(11):1761-1770.
State Research Program(SAF2015-64352-R) 2015-
2017. Sonia Gaztambide.
• Genetic and environmental factors of insulin-resist-
ance syndrome. Long-term complications in immi- grant Mediterranean populations. MEDIGENE (FP7- 279171-1). 2011-active, Luis Castaño.
Centre Differences study in children aged under 11 years. Hvidore Study Group on childhood Diabetes. 2009-2015. Luis Castaño.
TRIGR project: Trial to reduce IDDM in children at genetic risk. National Institute of Health. 2007-2016. Luis Castaño.
GESDIA2: Comprehensive management of T2D pa- tients. Prospective and observational study. 2014- 2015. Sonia Gaztambide.
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