Page 45 - CIBERDEM-2015-eng
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Research groups
Most relevant scientific articles
SAMINO S., VINAIXA M., DíAZ M., BELTRAN A., RODRíGUEZ M.A., MALLOL R. ET AL. Metabolomics reveals impaired maturation of HDL particles in adolescents with hyperin- sulinaemic androgen excess. Scientific Reports. 2015;5.
DOMINGO-ALMENARA X., PERERA A., RAMIREZ N., CANELLAS N., CORREIG X., BREZMES J.. Compound identification in gas chromatography/mass spectrometry-based metabolom- ics by blind source separation. Journal of Chromatogra- phy A. 2015;1409:226-233.
MALLOL R, AMIGó N, RODRíGUEZ MA, HERAS M, VINAIXA M, PLANA N ET AL. Liposcale: a novel advanced lipoprotein
Ten collaborations with groups from Ciberdem: Dr. Egido; Dra. Rojo, Dr. Guinovart, Dr. Simó, Dr. Masana, Dra. Novials, Dr. Mauricio, Dr. Vendrell, Dra. Burks, Dra. Martínez Valverde; and 4 with other CIBER’s: Dr. Azpiroz (CIBEREHD), Dr. Salas Salvadó (CIBEROBN), Dr. Vila Bover (CIBERNED), Dr. de la Torre (CIBER- OBN). Other collaborations with national and inter- national groups: Dr. Gomis (IRB), Dr. Stracker (IRB), Dr. González (IRB Barcelona), Dr. Quintela (CNIO), Dr. Salek (EBI-EMBL), Dr. Neumann (Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry), Dra. Schymanski (Swiss Fed- eral Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology), Dr. Jourdan (INRA), Dr. Shabaz Mohammed (Uni- versity of Oxford), Dr. Thomas (IDIBELL, Barcelona), Dr. Buschbeck (IMPPC), Dr. Beato (CRG), Dr. Cantó (Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences), Dr. Jimenez Chillaron (Hospital Sant Joan de Deu), Dr. Guimerà (URV-ICREA), Dra. Colomina (URV, Tarragona), Dr. Méndez (IRB), Dr. Fajas (Universidad de Laussane), Dr. Heck (Utrecht University), Dr. Kessler (University of Oxford), Dr. Harris (University of Oxford), Dr. Loda (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute), Dra. Martins-Green (University of California), Dra. Mora (Brigham and Women’s Hospital), Dra. Potrykus, (University of Ab- erdeen), Dr. Davidson (University of Ulster), Dr. Alex- androv (EMBL).
test based on 2D diffusion-ordered 1H NMR spectrosco- py.Journal of lipid research. 2015;56(3):737-46.
MASANA L., CABRE A., HERAS M., AMIGO N., CORREIG X., MARTíNEZ-HERVAS S. ET AL. Remarkable quantitative and qualitative differences in HDL after niacin or fenofi- brate therapy in type 2 diabetic patients. Atherosclerosis. 2015;238(2):213-219.
BRUGNARA L., MALLOL R., RIBALTA J., VINAIXA M., MURILLO S., CASSERRAS T. ET AL. Improving assessment of lipoprotein profile in type 1 diabetes by 1H NMR spectroscopy. PLoS ONE. 2015;10(8).
BFU2014-57466-P.Rethinking cellular metabolism through identification of unpredicted metabolites and biochemical transformations using a novel me- tabolomic approach.
SAF2011-30578: Identification of metabolic path- ways in neurodegeneration of retina induced by hyperglycemia and ischemia through an approxima- tion of metabolomics and proteomics.
TEC2012-31074: Development of nanostructured surfaces and metabolic image processing algo- rithms for NIMS: application to the study of pancre- atic islets in diabetic rats.
• Clinical validation of an advanced method of lipo- proteins.
• Identification of biomarkers of subclinical athero- sclerosis in PCOS patients.
• Development of algorithms for fluxomics experi- ments based on LC-MS and NMR.
• Creation and validation of a new algorithm for the identification of unknown metabolites by GC-MS.
• Obtaining metabolic images of mass spectrome- try by metal nanoparticles (NP-LDI-MSI).
Institution: Fundación Institut d’Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili · Contact: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
C/ Sant Llorenç, 21 Planta baja del edificio 4 de la Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut. 43201 Reus Tel.: 977 559 623 · E.mail: [email protected] · Web:
CIBERDEM I Annual report 2015 I 45