Page 39 - CIBERDEM-2015-eng
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Research groups
Most relevant scientific articles
CASELLAS A., MALLOL C., SALAVERT A., JIMéNEZ V., GARCíA M., AGUDO J. ET AL. Insulin-like growth factor 2 overexpres- sion induces β-Cell dysfunction and increases beta-cell susceptibility to damage. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2015;290(27):16772-16785.
ARCE-CEREZO A., GARCíA M., RODRíGUEZ-NUEVO A., CRO- SA-BONELL M., ENGUIX N., PERO A. ET AL. HMGA1 over- expression in adipose tissue impairs adipogenesis and prevents diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance. Sci- entific Reports. 2015;5.
TEICHENNE J, MORRó M, CASELLAS A, JIMéNEZ V, TELLEZ N, LEGER A ET AL. Identification of miRNAs Involved in Repro-
In 2015, we have initiated a project financed by the Ministerio de Educación y Competitividad (SAF2014- 54866-R), “Nuevas aproximaciones de terapia géni- ca para la diabetes tipo 2 y la obesidad basadas en la activación del tejido adiposo marrón y browning del tejido adiposo blanco”. This project is based on results obtained from a previous project ended in 2015 and financed by the “European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes”: “Unravelling of novel fac- tors capable of inducing browning of WAT in vivo”. In addition, we have initiated the second part of a project financed by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF): “BetaSel2 – Therapeutic effica- cy of novel cytokines and growth factors selected in vivo to improve beta cell mass”, focused on search- ing new candidates to counteract type 1 diabetes. Our group is also involved in several international initiatives aiming at phenotyping, archiving and dis- tributing mouse models for the biomedical research community. Namely, we are participating in the EU projects, “European infrastructure for phenotyping
gramming Acinar Cells into Insulin Producing Cells.PloS one. 2015;10(12):e0145116.
GERST F., KAISER G., PANSE M., SARTORIUS T., PUJOL A., HEN- NIGE A.M. ET AL. Protein kinase Cδ regulates nuclear export of FOXO1 through phosphorylation of the chaperone 14-3- 3ζ. Diabetologia. 2015;58(12):2819-2831.
VILLACAMPA P., HAURIGOT V., BOSCH F.. Proliferative retin- opathies: Animal models and therapeutic opportunities. Current Neurovascular Research. 2015;12(2):189-198.
and archiving of model mammalian genomes (Infra- frontier-I3) (2013-2016)“ and “Research Infrastruc- ture for Phenotyping, Archiving and Distribution of Mouse Disease Models (IPAD-MD)”, as well as in the International Consortium “International Mouse Phe- notyping Consortium (IMPC)”. We also are partners in the EU COST action “Development of a Europe- an network for preclinical testing of interventions in mouse models of age and age-related diseases (MouseAGE)”, to study aging in mice. On the other hand, the public/private partnership between UAB and Esteve for the clinical development of gene therapy approaches for rare inherited metabolic dis- orders (Mucopolysaccharidosis) has been renewed (July 2015-June2017). In this field, we are also par- ticipating in the project “AAV-mediated gene therapy for the treatment of MPSIIID (Sanfilippo D)” financed by the Association Française contre les Myopathies (2014-2016).
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona · Contact: Centro de Biotecnología Animal y Terapia Genética Edificio H-Campus UAB. 08193 Bellaterra · Tel.: 93 581 41 82 · E.mail: [email protected]
CIBERDEM I Annual report 2015 I 39