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consequences in type 2 diabetic population: a multidisciplinary clinical and experimental approach”,
which has been funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.
. Diabetes as a metabolic accelerator of Alzheimer’s disease.
In this regard it should be noted that we are developing the project “Retinal neurodegeneration in Type 2 diabetes as biomarker for Alzheimer´s disease” funded by European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD).
Most relevant scientific articles
• Hernández C, Bogdanov P, Corraliza L, García-Ramírez M, Solà-Adell C, Arranz JA et al. Topical Administration of gLP-1 Receptor Agonists Prevents Retinal neurodegeneration in Experimental Diabetes. Diabetes. 2016;65(1):172-87.
• Simo R., Hernández C. New Treatments for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Cardiovascular Disease. The Revolution Has Begun. Revista Espanola de Cardiologia. 2016;69(11):1005-1007.
• Lecube A., Sánchez E., Gómez-Peralta F., Abreu C., Valls J., Mestre O. et al. global assessment of the impact of type 2 diabetes on sleep through specific questionnaires. A case-control study. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(6).
• Pardo R., Blasco N., Vila M., Beiroa D., Nogueiras R., Canas X. et al. Endog knockout mice show increased Brown adipocyte recruitment in white adipose tissue and improved glucose homeostasis. Endocrinology. 2016;157(10):3873-3887.
• Lecube A., Valladares S., López-Cano C., Gutiérrez L., Ciudin A., Fort J.M. et al. The role of morbid obesity in the promotion of metabolic disruptions and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis by helicobacter pylori. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(11).
SCIEnCE. The most important milestone has been the demonstration that topical administration of somatostatin is able to arrest the progression of retinal neurodegeneration in type 2 diabetic patients. This is the main result of the EUROCONDOR project (see below). The baseline results are under review in Diabetes and we are preparing the manuscript regarding the longitudinal study to be published in a top journal. In addition, 26 manuscripts have been published, and the most important results have been presented in international meetings.
It should be noted that we have stablished an intramural collaboration with CIBER-BBn in the setting of the project “Microfluidic model of retinal microvascular unit to identify therapeutic targets in diabetic retinopathy” (CIB16-BI012).
PROJECTS. We have finished the EUROCONDOR project (FP7-278040, Coordinator: R. Simó) in due time. In addition, the following collaborative international projects are ongoing: e-Predice (FP7-279074), two projects granted by the EFSD (European Foundation for the Study of diabetes), and MOPEAD (H2020-IMI2-115985). Moreover, we are implementing the following national projects: PI13/00603, DTS15/00151, LIRALUNG, PIE13/00027, and PIE14/0061 (Excellence Inter-CIBER). Furthermore, 3 new national projects have been founded (PI16/00541, SAF2016-77784, Fundació Marató TV3).
InnOVATIOn. We currently deal with 4 patents (PCT/EP2014/053787; PCT/EP2014/053787; P201430796; EP13382202.3; P3572EP00). The first 3 have already entry in national phases. It should be underlined that 1 of them (P201430796) has been as the result of a fruitful collaboration with another group of CIBERDEM (PI: J. Egido).
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ACADEMY/TRAInIng. In this setting it should be underlined that 2 doctoral thesis related to diabetes have been finished. The PI of the group has been involved in the organization of the annual general session of CIBERDEM. Finally, our group has been pioneer in organizing internal sessions in our hospital linked with relevant of CIBERDEM.