Page 41 - CIBERDEM2016-ENG
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• The most relevant findings of ours research team during 2016 were related with the reorganization of our group and the development of the different lines of research, especially with a new ones implied in the relationship between AD and T2DM, mainly focused on brain glucose hypometabolism and resistance to the action of insulin. Also, we have increased the number of scientific collaborations with other groups, such us L. Sacchetti, Universidad Federico II, Nápoles; J. Argente, Hospital Niño Jesús, Madrid; J. Oriola, Hospital Clinic, Barcelona; L. Castaño, Hospital de Cruces, Baracaldo, L. Wenger, Institute of Physiology, Zurich; D. Burks, Valencia; MA. Pozo, Madrid y R. Simó, Barcelona.
• We start the reorganization of the scientific team in order to hold the positions leave out by Drs. JA. Zueco and I. Roncero to one of them Dr. M. Pozo has been proposed to the Direction of Ciberdem. Besides the IP of our team communicate that he wants to end his work in this position, which was accepted by the group. Accordingly, during 2017 will be elected new IP.
• Also during 2016 the findings most relevants obtained were, the biological effects of GLP-2 on cell proliferation dependent of glucose concentrations and the demonstration that the functional characterization of MODY mutations may be of a great translational interest. Also have been of significant relevance the data obtained in the action of GLP-1 on brain metabolic sensors such us AMPK, mTOR, gK and PASK. Related with the last ones, have been very useful the studies on a mouse model PASK-deficient. In a similar way the experiment with on a transgenic mouse with hipperexpression of the Tau protein permit us to reproduce the brain glucose hypometabolism observed in AD patiens, wich in a near future open the door to the study with neuroprotector drugs, to test its potential therapeutic effect.
• Besides, it has been published a chapter in the book: “Tratado de Diabetes Mellitus (2a Edicion) SED (Capítulo 14. Incretinas)” E. Blázquez and E. Velázquez
• Interview to Dr. Enrique Blázquez in the scientific Journal: “Diabetesfede (Federación Española de Diabetes) no44, julio/Agosto 2016”
• Grant REF: RTC-2016-4823-1: GLAUKUS –SYLENTIS S.A.U. (2016). IP: Dra. Carmen Sanz
• Grant Artículo 83, UCM- SYLENTIS (Nov2015 –Nov 2016). IP: Dra. Carmen Sanz
• Grant Fundación Mutua Madrileña 25/09/2013-24/09/2016. IP: Dr. Enrique Blázquez
• Grant BFU2015-64440-P. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (2016-2018) IP: Ricardo Escalante y
Olivier Vincent. Miembro del equipo investigador: Dra. María Ángeles Navas
• XIII Course Postgraduates: “Fundamentos Moleculares de la Medicina”, held in Madrid, May 2016.
Director: Dr. Enrique Blázquez Fernández
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