Page 83 - CIBERDEM-2015-eng
P. 83
Research groups
Most relevant scientific articles
ZORZANO A., HERNáNDEZ-áLVAREZ M.I., SEBASTIáN D., MU- NOZ J.P.. Mitofusin 2 as a Driver That Controls Energy Me- tabolism and Insulin Signaling. Antioxidants and Redox Signaling. 2015;22(12):1020-1031.
SCHNEEBERGER M., GóMEZ-VALADES A.G., ALTIRRIBA J., SE- BASTIáN D., RAMIREZ S., GARCíA A. ET AL. Reduced α-MSH Underlies Hypothalamic ER-Stress-Induced Hepatic Glu- coneogenesis. Cell Reports. 2015;12(3):361-370.
MORENO-NAVARRETE J.M., ESCOTE X., ORTEGA F., CAMPS M., RICART W., ZORZANO A. ET AL. Lipopolysaccharide binding protein is an adipokine involved in the resilience
During the year 2015 our group has been deeply involved in the implementation and coordination of the ISCIII-funded program project INFLAMES, con- stituted by 12 research teams belonging to four dif- ferent areas of CIBER. The overall objective of this study is to identify the mechanistic basis for the dis- tinct inflammatory profile in obese/type 2 diabetes and Crohn’s disease patients, and to obtain proof of concept to enable novel therapeutic approaches. Our laboratory has been operating in 2015 thanks to to funds obtained from MINECO, ISCIII, FP7 (EU) and the Generalitat de Catalunya.
During 2015 we have published results indicating the regulatory role of the Mitofusin-2 protein in the insulin signaling in muscle and liver, promoting it as a therapeutic target in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. We have also reported a new mechanism controlling muscle mass in type 2 diabetic patients based on the activity of a regulatory autophagy pro- tein in the muscle fiber. It is also noteworthy the demonstration we have obtained that the neuregulin protein exerts antidiabetic effects that improve glu- cose tolerance in an animal model of type 2 diabe- tes (diabetic ZDF rats).
of the mouse adipocyte to inflammation. Diabetologia. 2015;58(10):2424-2434.
CHENG Y.-S., SEIBERT O., KLOTING N., DIETRICH A., STRASS- BURGER K., FERNáNDEZ-VELEDO S. ET AL. PPP2R5C Cou- ples Hepatic Glucose and Lipid Homeostasis. PLoS Ge- netics. 2015;11(10).
ZAMUDIO-VAZQUEZ R., IVANOVA S., MORENO M., HERNáN- DEZ-áLVAREZ M.I., GIRALT E., BIDON-CHANAL A. ET AL. A new quinoxaline-containing peptide induces apoptosis in cancer cells by autophagy modulation. Chemical Science. 2015;6(8):4537-4549.
In collaboration with Prof. Fernando Albericio (mem- ber of the CIBER-BBN), we have demonstrated the apoptotic activity of peptides containing quinox- aline, because of their inhibitory properties of auto- phagy. These results clarify the role of autophagy in cells and allow us to visualize some of the potential applications of its modulation.
As a result of our research activity, we have been in- vited to participate in five international Conferences / Symposia in 2015 allowing us a relevant visuali- zation (The International Liver Congress 2015; Ox- ygen Club of California World Congress 2015; Sym- posium Diabetes & Exercise, EMBO Workshop on Mitochondrial DNA and neurodegeneration; Anger’s Symposium on Mitochondrial Medicine).
Institution: Fundació Privada Institut de Recerca Biomèdica IRB · Contact: IRB-Barcelona
C/ Baldiri Reixac 10-12. 08028 Barcelona · Tel.: 93 403 71 97 · E.mail: [email protected] Web: pathology-and-therapy-in-heterogenic-and-polygenic-diseases
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