Page 82 - CIBERDEM-2015-eng
P. 82
Research groups
Complex Metabolic diseases and Mitochondria
Programme: P3
Lead Researcher: Zorzano Olarte, Antonio
Group members
STAFF MEMBERS: Muñoz Neculman, Juan Pablo | Romero de Pablos, Montserrat | Saska, Ivanova | Sebastián Muñoz, David.
ASSOCIATED MEMBERS: Camprubí, Marta Camps | Castrillon Rodríguez, Ignacio | Díaz Ramos, Ma Àngels | Enciso Salas, Hilda Yuliana | Guma García, Ana Ma | Hernández Álvarez, María Isabel | Martínez Cristobal, Paula | Rodríguez Nuevo, Aida | Sabaté Pérez, Alba | Sánchez Feutrie, Manuela | Testar Ymbert, Xavier.
Main lines of research
The aim of our laboratory is to identify the mech- anisms by which mitochondrial dysfunction is in- volved in the development of complex metabolic diseases such as obesity, insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes. In addition, our focus is the study of the processes that lead to mitochondrial dysfunction, as well as identifying new drugs targets in diabetes therapy. Our main lines of research are:
• Analysis of the role of proteins involved in mito- chondrial dynamics on the development of meta- bolic diseases;
• Role of the interaction between autophagy, mito- chondrial function and energy metabolism;
• Identification of new therapeutic targets, and de- velopment of new compounds for the treatment of metabolic diseases.
82 I Annual report 2015 I CIBERDEM

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