Page 49 - CIBERDEM-2015-eng
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Research groups
Most relevant scientific articles
LUQUE-RAMIREZ M., ESCOBAR-MORREALE H.F.. Targets to treat androgen excess in polycystic ovary syndrome. Ex- pert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets. 2015;19(11):1545- 1560.
ALPANES M., LUQUE-RAMIREZ M., MARTíNEZ-GARCíA M.A., FERNáNDEZ-DURAN E., áLVAREZ-BLASCO F., ESCOBAR-MOR- REALE H.F.. Influence of adrenal hyperandrogenism on the clinical and metabolic phenotype of women with polycys- tic ovary syndrome. Fertility and Sterility. 2015;103(3):795-
LUQUE-RAMíREZ M, ALPAñéS M, SANCHóN R, FERNáN- DEZ-DURáN E, ORTIZ-FLORES AE, ESCOBAR-MORREALE HF. Referral bias in female functional hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovary syndrome.European journal of endo- crinology / European Federation of Endocrine Societies. 2015;173(5):603-10.
ZAZO SECO C., SERRAO DE CASTRO L., VAN NIEROP J.W., MORIN M., JHANGIANI S., VERVER E.J.J. ET AL. Allelic mu- tations of KITLG, encoding KIT ligand, cause asymmet-
ESCOBAR-MORREALE HF, BOTELLA-CARRETERO JI, MORRE- ALE DE ESCOBAR G. Treatment of hypothyroidism with levothyroxine or a combination of levothyroxine plus L-tri- iodothyronine.Best practice & research. Clinical endocri- nology & metabolism. 2015;29(1):57-75.
During 2015 Dr. Luque Ramirez has started as PI the research proyect FIS PI 1400649 Effects on cardi- ovascular risk factors of decreasing iron tissue de- posits in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a proof-of-concept study. We have to acknowledge the help that Dr. Luque Ramirez has received from IRYCIS in the form of a grant that permitted him to devote more time to research during this period.
Also in 2015 the group has received a new grant FIS PI1501686 Infuence of sex and sex hormones on adipose tissue dysfunction and chrnic metabol- ic disorders of complex etiology (SEXMETAB) . This grant will permit us to lead the aplication of sex/gen- der medicine to the field of metabolic dysfunction associated with diabetes and obesity.
ric and unilateral hearing loss and Waardenburg syn- drome type 2. American Journal of Human Genetics. 2015;97(5):647-660.
Regarding scientific publications, 2015 has been a year of transition between proyects in which we have started the writting and submission process of the data derived from our previous Intrasalud grant FIS PI1100357 Hormonal, metabolic, inflammatory and oxidative stress response to dietary macronutri- ents: influence of sex steroids. These manuscripts will hopefully available during 2016 and 2017.
In the international arena, Dr. Escobar Morreale con- tinues his role as member of the Board of Directors of the AE-PCOS Society and is a member of the PCOS Special Interest Group of the European Socie- ty of Endocrinology.
Institution: Servicio Madrileño de Salud · Contact: Hospital Ramón y Cajal · Carretera de Colmenar, Km 9.1 28034 Madrid · Tel.: 91 336 90 29 · E.mail: [email protected]
CIBERDEM I Annual report 2015 I 49

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