Page 32 - CIBERDEM-2015-eng
P. 32
Research groups
Diabetes and cardiovascular
Programme: P3
Lead Researcher: Benito de las Heras, Manuel Román
Group members
STAFF MEMBERS: Fernández López, Silvia | García Gómez, Gema | González Trujillos, Elena.
ASSOCIATED MEMBERS: Bartolomé Herráinz, Alberto | Díaz-Castroverde Vicario, Sabela | Escribano Illanes,
Óscar | Gómez Hernández, Almudena | Guillén Viejo, Carlos | Pedromo Loaiza, Liliana | Viana Huete, Vanesa.
Main lines of research
Compensatory mechanisms to hepatic insulin re- sistance: Progression to type 2 diabetes and the crossroad of autophagy and apoptosis in the pan- creatic beta cells.
• The role of the liver-pancreas endocrine axis in triggering beta-cell hyperplasia. The insulin recep- tor and its isoforms as gene therapy of the diabet- ic hyperglycemia.
• The role of autophagy, mitophagy and ER stress in the regulation of beta-cell pancreatic mass and beta-cell failure.
• The role of human amylin as a link between the pancreatic beta cell failure and neurodegenera- tion.
Adipose organ inflammatory disease and the car- diovascular damage:
• BATIRKO/apoE -/- DKO mice: The role of the com- pensatory mechanisms of insulin resistance in the aggravation/attenuation of inflammation, oxi- dative stress and vascular lesion in the aorta.
Brown fat function/dysfunction and adipose organ inflammatory disease.
• New mouse models to study energy imbalance and body weight regulation: Brown adipose tis- sue-specific knockout of IGFIR and IGFIR/IR DKO.
• New mouse models of browning: Brown adipose tissue-specific knockout of p85 alpha/PI 3 kinase.
• Role of IR and IGFIR in the mitochondrial dynam- ics in vitro and in vivo.
32 I Annual report 2015 I CIBERDEM

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