Page 88 - CIBERDEM2016-ENG
P. 88
leaD researcher
Zorzano Olarte, Antonio
Fundación privada Instituto de Recerca Biomédica (IRB- Barcelona)
C/ Baldiri Reixac, 10-12 08028 Barcelona
(+34) 93 403 71 97
group Website
Staff members: Muñoz Neculman, Juan Pablo | Romero De Pablos, Montserrat | Saska, Ivanova | Sebastián Muñoz, David
Associated members: Camprubí, Marta Camps | Castrillón Rodríguez, Ignacio | Díaz Ramos, Maria Ángels | Enciso Salas, Hilda Yuiliana | Guma García, Ana María | Hernández Álvarez, María Isabel | Martínez Cristobal, Paula | Rodríguez Nuevo, Aida | Sabate Pérez, Alba | Sánchez Feutrie, Manuela | Testar Ymbert, Xavier
Main lines of research
The aim of our laboratory is to identify the mechanisms by which mitochondrial dysfunction is involved in the development of complex metabolic diseases such as obesity, insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes. In addition, our focus is the study of the processes that lead to mitochondrial dysfunction, as well as identifying new drugs targets in diabetes therapy. Our main lines of research are:
• Analysis of the role of proteins involved in mitochondrial dynamics on the development of metabolic diseases;
• Role of the interaction between autophagy, mitochondrial function and energy metabolism;
• Identification of new therapeutic targets, and development of new compounds for the treatment of
metabolic diseases.

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