Page 84 - CIBERDEM2016-ENG
P. 84
leaD researcher
Vendrell Ortega, Joan Josep
Fund. Instituto Investigación sanitaria pere virgili
Hospital Universitario Juan XXIII C/ Mallafre Guasch, 4
43007 Tarragona
[email protected]
group Website
Staff members: Ceperuelo Mallafre, María Victoria | Ejarque Carbo, Miriam | Keiran Fernández, Noelia | Maymo Masip, Elsa | Núñez Roa, Catalina
Associated members: Calvo Manso, Enrique | Da Silva Madeira, Ana | Fernández Veledo, Sonia | Gallart Millán, Lluís | González Clemente, José Miguel | Gutiérrez Fornes, Cristina | Llaurado Cabot, Gemma | Megia Colet, Anna | Näf Cortés, Silvia | Pachón Peña, Olga Gisela | Roche, Kelly | Rodríguez Chacón, Matilde | Serena Perello, Carolina | Simón Muela, Inmaculada | Solano Fraile, Esther
Main lines of research
• Adipose tissue plasticity.
• Metabolic dysfunction as a trigger of adipose tissue derangement in obesity and type 2 diabetes
• Inflammatory mechanisms in the context of obesity and insulin resistance.
• Metabolic derangement in the context of Gestational Diabetes (GD).
• Fat as a sensor of a worst inflammatory environment.
• Biomarkers of precocious atherosclerotic risk in type 1 Diabetes.

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