Page 26 - CIBERDEM2016-ENG
P. 26
Biorepository for DIabetes and Metabolic Diseases CIBERDEM_IDIBAPS
Coordinator: Anna Bosch · Technical coordinator: Verónica Fernández
This is a mixed CIBER-IDIBAPS platform integrated in the IDIBAPS Biobank, with the aim of providing the scientific community with properly-characterised and standardised biological samples of the main metabolic diseases.
The Biorepository currently has a total number of 39,387 samples of whole blood, plasma, serum, DNA and lymphocytes from a total number of 11,545 persons with the following characteristics:
[email protected] study: general population Type 1 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes
Morbid obesity
gestational diabetes Monogenic diabetes
PREDAPS study: population with prediabetes and control population
In 2016 we continued to collect samples from donors belonging to the PREDAPS and [email protected]. projects. Most of the samples received from the PREDAPS study (131) were through follow-up of donors collected in previous years, with 76% being fourth donations. From the 2nd stage of the [email protected] project samples were received from 960 donors.
In 2016 aliquots were assigned for the following projects related to the [email protected] study:
• Incidence of type 2 diabetes in the [email protected] study: role of fatty acids in the VEGFB-regulated transport system in the development of metabolic diseases.
• Genetic and environmental factors of insulin resistance syndrome and its long-term complications in immigrant Mediterranean populations.
• Understanding obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and fatty liver disease: a multidisciplinary approach.
• Thyroid hormones and body weight. The role of variants in the alpha receptor gene of thyroid hormones in the risk of obesity.

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