Page 22 - CIBERDEM2016-ENG
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Training Programme
Coordinator: Ángel Nadal Navajas
CIBERDEM had its 7th Annual Meeting from 11th to 13th May at the Hotel Campus, on the campus of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in Cerdanyola del Vallés (Barcelona), with large numbers of participants and excellent scientific level of communications. In addition to sessions on each of the Research Programmes, there were sessions on CIBERDEM platforms, technology transfer at CIBER and a workshop on funding opportunities, intended for post-doctoral researchers.
In order to promote the training of researchers and interaction between groups, in 2016 CIBERDEM established a call for intraCIBERDEM and InterCIBER Mobility Aids.
CIBERDEM arranged the Annual Training Session entitled “Diabetes to debate 2016: Diabetes in the knowledge frontier” (Barcelona, 8th October) in the setting of its ongoing cooperation with the MSD company. The latest progress made in ground-breaking areas of obesity and cell and regenerative
therapy in diabetes was discussed at the session. Along with this event there was also a programme of videoconferences on aspects of more applied research which was spread via WEB to Spain’s endocrinology services.
Some of the training activities carried out by groups with CIBERDEM’s participation were the following courses:
• III Joint Worshop Tarraco-Malacca CIBERDEM-CIBEROBN, (Hospital Universitario Juan XXIII and Hospital Universitario Carlos Haya, Lloret, 21 - 22 January).
• Mass spectrometry imaging: a key technology for molecular histology (Centre d’R+D+I en nutrició I Salut, Reus, 9 February).
• 7o Simposio sobre Diabetes, Dislipemias y Riesgo Cardiovascular (Calpe, 26 - 27 February).
• XIII Curso para Postgraduados: fundamentos Moleculares de la Medicina (Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Real Academia nacional de Medicina, Madrid, 25 – 26 May).
• Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes: Perspectives and Approaches (Fundación SED, Madrid, 5 October, Barcelona, 6 October).
• VI Jornada Prometeo-GV: Avances en Diabetes y Obesidad (Universidad Miguel Hernández, Elche, 22 November).
• Course on “How to structure and present a clinical research project” (Instituto de Investigación sanitaria InCLIVA, Valencia, 19 -20 December).

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