Page 13 - CIBERDEM2016-ENG
P. 13
Luis Castaño González 13 3 1
Francesc Xavier Correig Blanchar 16 16 10
Jesús egido de los ríos 15 11 3
héctor f . escobar morreale 5 3 1
Jorge ferrer marrades 5 4 4
Joan J. Guinovart Cirera 5 3 2
Lourdes Ibáñez Toda 12 11 7
francisco martín Bermudo 12 8 5
Ángela M. Martínez Valverde 17 15 4
luis masana marín 22 13 4
Diego mauricio puente 33 16 6
eduard montanya mias 13 9 3
Ángel Nadal Navajas 9 7 3
Anna Maria Novials Sardà 32 20 6
Gemma Rojo Martínez 11 7 2
Rafael Simó Canonge 24 11 2
Mario Vallejo Fernández de la Reguera 2 2 2
Manuel Vázquez Carrera 5 5 3
Joan J . vendrell ortega 15 14 7
Josep vidal cortada 12 8 1
antonio Zorzano olarte 13 11 5
Clinical guides and consensus documents
• Report from IPITA-TTS Opinion Leaders Meeting on the future of β-Cell Replacement. Bartlett St, Markmann Jf, Johnson P, Korsgren O, Hering BJ, et al. transplantation 2016; Suppl 2:S1-S44.
• Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition). Klionsky DJ, Abdelmohsen K, Abe A, Abedin MJ, Abeliovich H,et al. Autophagy. 2016; 12(1):1-222.
• Uppsala Consensus Statement on Environmental Contaminants and the global Obesity Epidemic. Lind L, Lind PM, Lejonklou MH, Dunder L, et al. Environmental Health Perspectives 2016; 124(5): A81-A83.
• Prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of obesity. 2016 position statement of the Spanish Society for the Study of Obesity. Lecube A, Monereo S, Rubio MÁ, Martínez-de-Icaya P et al. Endocrinol nutr 2016, pii: S1575-0922(16)30109-7. doi: 10.1016/j.endonu.2016.07.002.
number of intraciBer publications 2016
number of interciBer publications 2016
organisation 13

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